
Amino16 B/Zn


Amino16 B/Zn

Amino16 B/Zn is an outstanding fusion of Amino16 with premium trace elements, namely Boron and Zinc, both making valuable contributions to plant nutrition. The amino acids contained in Amino 16 help contribute to the more efficient absorption of Boron and Zinc by plants and thus have a beneficial effect on crops that need them. Amino16 B/Zn was formulated to effectively meet the specific requirements of crops, with a particular focus on citrus fruits, olives, and large-scale crops.

Κατηγορία: Category: 

Amino16 B/Zn:

  • Ideally supplements plants with Boron and Zinc.
  • Effectively copes with nutrient deficiencies.
  • Promotes nutrients and improves fertiliser absorption.
  • Enhances the development of the root system.
  • Enhances fertilisation and increases fruit set.
  • Helps in increasing production.
  • Restores plants in the event of deficiencies or other adverse conditions.
  • Activates the plant’s natural defence mechanisms.
  • Suitable for all crops.
  • Is combinable with most plant protection products and fertilisers.

Foliar applications

Olive trees: Spray 500ml for every 100lt of water in January, 500ml for every 100lt of water before flowering and 500ml for every 100lt of water in the summer during core hardening.

Citrus fruit: Spray 500ml for every 100lt of water before flowering, plus 2-3 applications after fruit setting with 500ml for every 100lt of water.

Other crops: 4-5 applications per growing season with 500ml for every 100lt of water.

Soil application

Can also be applied to the soil through the irrigation network at a dose of 300ml for every 100lt of water and for 4-5 applications per growing season.

Packaging options

Amino16 B/Zn Material Units per Carton Box
 1 lt Plastic 12
 5 lt Plastic 4


Store in a cool, dry and well ventilated place, away from heat sources, open flame or sunlight. Under these conditions and when kept in its original, sealed packaging, it remains stable for at least 2 years. Keep away from children, food, drink and animal feed. Do not consume. Shake well before use.

 Amino16 B/Zn % w/w
 Free L-Amino Acids 10.0%
 Total Amino Acids 18.75%
 Total Nitrogen (N) 3.0%
 Boron (Β) 0.5%
 Zinc (Zn) 0.8%
 Organic Matter 19.0%
 pH at 25οC 3.0
 Conductivity at 25oC 73 mS/cm


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