



At the close of the first decade of the 21st century, EVYP Crop Biostimulation Technologies developed Amino16, an organic biostimulant comprising of 16 left-handed amino acids and multiple peptides. This substance functions as a booster for plant nutrition and growth. Amino16® is produced with state-of-the-art technology exclusively from non-genetically modified protein-rich plant raw materials. Suitable for use in both conventional and organic farming, it obtained European Patent registration in 2013. Amino16® derives its high concentration of left-handed amino acids and their balanced relationship from its plant origin, mirroring the physiological composition of plant organisms. Presently, Amino16® commands a prominent position in the Greek amino acid biostimulant market, being the preferred choice for one in four producers. Amino16® is exported to Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa.



Κατηγορία: Category: 


  • Activates the plant’s natural defence mechanisms.
  • Stimulates the basic metabolic functions.
  • Enhances root system growth by helping plants make better use of the nutrients obtained through fertilisation.
  • Increases the chlorophyll produced during photosynthesis, resulting in greener colour and faster growth of shoots.
  • Enhances fruit-setting.
  • Effectively reduces the premature dropping of fruit.
  • Improves the size and colour of fruit.
  • Increases production.
  • Improves quality.
  • Is combinable with and enhances the effectiveness of fertilisers.
  • Is combinable with and facilitates the effect of plant protection products.
  • Enhances crop resilience to challenging weather conditions like frost, drought, weed infestations and extreme temperatures.
  • Is particularly soluble in water, fully self-disintegrating.
  • Leaves no residue.
  • Has a pH of 3, offering high speed of action and efficiency.
  • Is applied at all stages of plant growth.
  • Improves the shelf-life and the appearance of fruit and vegetables.

Foliar applications

Foliar spray with 300-600ml Amino16 solution for every 100lt of water. The dosages and frequency of applications may vary according to the crop and vegetative stage.

Soil application

1-2lt Amino16 per 1,000m2 through the irrigation network. The dosages and frequency of applications may vary according to the crop and vegetative stage.

Packaging options

 Amino16 Material Units per Carton Box
 250 ml Plastic 42
 1 lt Plastic 12
 5 lt Plastic 4
 20 lt Plastic –


Store in a cool, dry and well ventilated place, away from heat sources, open flame or sunlight. Under these conditions and when kept in its original, sealed packaging, it remains stable for at least 2 years. Keep away from children, food, drink and animal feed. Do not consume. Shake well before use.

 Amino16 % w/w
 Free L-Amino Acids 11.3%
 Total Amino Acids 19.0%
 Total Nitrogen (N) 3.0%
 Organic Matter 33.0%
 pH at 25οC 3.0
 Conductivity at 25oC 80 mS/cm


 List of Amino Acids in Amino16
 L- Glutamic Acid L- Proline
 L- Phenylalanine L- Tyrosine
 L- Threonine L- Alanine
 L- Glycine L- Lysine
 L- Serine L- Valine
 L- Isoleucine L- Histidine
 L- Aspartic Acid L- Methionine
 L- Leucine L- Arginine


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